Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tikitiki church and Rere falls

In Tikitiki there is a church giving an idea of the inside of a "marae" (Maori traditional meeting house which access is forbidden to strangers). It is trully fascinating how cultures have been mixed: the panel in the middle is representing life as a stairway to heaven and the panel with the big black crosses stands for the milky way...
You won't find traditional Saints here but maori representations of their first members that have been converted to Christianity.
 Pushing the road a bit further from Gisborne the Rere falls are a 30m wide cold shower.
 Close to a Karcher at the beginning...
 ...then a water curtain... can discover from the other side!
Our meals will remain as the best a backpacker has ever seen! After Kamo kamo as a soup, the same with beer steamed spicy noodles, we were cooking this kind of big cucumber with butter and garlic and lentils with Coppa (this picture) and we finished the beast sized vegetable in a cheese fondue!
 PS: The flash is misleading... I was just holding a torch.

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